Thursday, December 19, 2013

SSIS package validation while deploying to TEST or UAT or Production Server

Let's say you have created a great package in development environment and you have configured it and deployed on Test Server or UAT server. Now before you want Tester to know that package is out, You want to make sure that package would run as it was intended to do.

So How do we validate a SSIS package on a Test Server before it is being executed.

Let's dive in:

Step 1. Log on to your Test Integration Server and go to the package you want to validate.

Step 2. Right Click on the package and click Run Package.

Step 3. Go to Execution Options and check "Validate package without executing" option.

Step 4. Now Go to Command Line and click "Edit the command line Manually". In the command right at the end after /REPORTING V  add " > results.txt". Add your 32-bit execution path of package at the beginning.


So it will look like something this

C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\100\DTS\Binn\dtexec.exe  /DTS "\DEV\mypackagename" /SERVER SERVERNAME /CHECKPOINTING OFF  /REPORTING V > results.txt

Step 5. Go to your command prompt where your server is install and paste the above text. And hit enter

Step 6. Type following " notepad results.txt" and hit enter

As soon as the validation is done, a notepad will open with the validation result.

At the end you will value 0 or 1. If it is 0, it mean that you package will execute without any metadata failure.
Remember that this is just validation. It won't check data in your databuffer or any other thing. It will just validate the package.

If you need more help on this one. Just leave a comment.