Tuesday, March 29, 2016

checking gap in data with start and end date in SQL Server

--- Create table to hold data and show that logic works

Create Table #TempDateRange
(ID int
, Start_Date Date
, End_Date Date

Insert into #TempDateRange
(ID, Start_Date, End_Date)
SELECT 1, '2013-01-01', '2013-09-30'
SELECT 1, '2013-10-01', '2013-12-31'
SELECT 1, '2014-01-01', '2014-12-31'
SELECT 2,'2013-01-01', '2013-08-31'
SELECT 2,'2013-10-01', '2013-12-31'
SELECT 2, '2014-01-01', '2014-12-31'

----- Logic to club the Eligibility Record into one if there is a Continuous Enrollment for the Member

    ,  s1.Start_Date
, MIN(t1.End_Date) AS End_Date

INTO #Consolidated_Data
FROM #TempDateRange s1
INNER JOIN #TempDateRange t1
ON t1.ID = s1.ID
AND s1.Start_Date < = t1.End_Date
FROM #TempDateRange t2
WHERE t2.ID = t1.ID
AND DATEADD(DAY, 1, t1.End_Date) > = t2.Start_Date
AND t1.End_Date < t2.End_Date

   FROM #TempDateRange s2
   WHERE s2.ID = s1.ID
   AND s1.Start_Date > s2.Start_Date
   AND DATEADD(DAY, - 1, s1.Start_Date) < = s2.End_Date

GROUP BY s1.ID , s1.Start_Date
ORDER BY s1.ID , s1.Start_Date;

-- Ranking Based on Dates to Calculate GAP Calculation

' ' AS GAP
INTO #Consolidated_Data_Rank
FROM #Consolidated_Data;

Select * FROM #Consolidated_Data
Select * FROM #Consolidated_Data_Rank

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

sql calculate total number of day in a given year

To get accurate number of days in a given year, we have to check if the given year is a leap year or not.  To see if it is a leap year, the year part of date (for example 2016 of 02/24/2016) should be divisible by 4 and there should be no remainder.

So let's see how we do this is SQL (2008 and above version)

First we need to declare a variable (BIT Type) and default it to 0.

Declare @IsLeapYear BIT = 0;

Then declare date variable for which you need to calculate. In my case I am using getdate() to set to current year and we know it is leap year

Declare @MyYear Date = Getdate();

Now we add logic to check if it leap year or not

    IF (YEAR( @MyYear ) % 4 = 0 AND YEAR( @MyYear ) % 100 != 0) OR
        YEAR( @MyYear ) % 400 = 0
        SET @IsLeapYear = 1

This way we know if it is leapyear, it will set @IsLeapYear to 1 and if not it will be 0

 Select 365 + @IsLeapYear

This select statement will tell me number of days in a given year.

So you whole SQL statement should be something like this.

 DECLARE @IsLeapYear BIT = 0       , @MyYear DATE = getdate()

    IF (YEAR( @MyYear ) % 4 = 0 AND YEAR( @MyYear ) % 100 != 0) OR
        YEAR( @MyYear ) % 400 = 0
        SET @IsLeapYear = 1

    Select 365 + @IsLeapYear

2012 and above version

SET @year=2013
Select DATEPART(dy,DATEFROMPARTS(@Year,12,31))
AS [NumberofDaysInYear]

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

What is a Heap Table in SQL?

Definition of a heap

 "an untidy collection of things piled up haphazardly"

So when we hear the word heap table at an interview, generally we say "A heap is a table without a clustered index. One or more nonclustered indexes can be created on tables stored as a heap. Data is stored in the heap without specifying an order."

To understand above statement, we have to fully understand concept on nonclustered index and how it work with a clustered index and without a clustered index against a table.

Some of you might ask then what is point of creating a nonclustered index on a table without a clustered index?

To understand this, let's go through what Microsoft says about Clustered and NonClustered index

  • Clustered
    • Clustered indexes sort and store the data rows in the table or view based on their key values. These are the columns included in the index definition. There can be only one clustered index per table, because the data rows themselves can be sorted in only one order.
    • The only time the data rows in a table are stored in sorted order is when the table contains a clustered index. When a table has a clustered index, the table is called a clustered table. If a table has no clustered index, its data rows are stored in an unordered structure called a heap.
  • Nonclustered
    • Nonclustered indexes have a structure separate from the data rows. A nonclustered index contains the nonclustered index key values and each key value entry has a pointer to the data row that contains the key value.
    • The pointer from an index row in a nonclustered index to a data row is called a row locator. The structure of the row locator depends on whether the data pages are stored in a heap or a clustered table. For a heap, a row locator is a pointer to the row. For a clustered table, the row locator is the clustered index key. 
Source: Microsoft MSDN link 

These are important point to remember from above reference

  • For a clustered table, the row locator is the clustered index key
  • The pointer from an index row in a nonclustered index to a data row is called a row locator
  • For a heap, a row locator is a pointer to the row

So the question is how many row will a query scan before finding the relevant record(s)? These index contains keys built from one or more columns in the table or view. These keys are stored in a structure (B-tree) that enables SQL Server to find the row or rows associated with the key values quickly and efficiently.

Coming back to heap table, we can define a table is a heap which does not have any order of data stored in it.

How to get first and last date of current year with day name

StartOfYear = Convert(Varchar,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0),101)
,CalendarFirstDayName = datename(dw,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0))
,LastDayOfYear = Convert(Varchar,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()) + 1, -1),101)
,CalendarLastDayName = datename(DW,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()) + 1, -1))

Creating a Perfect Calendar table in SQL

 ;WITH CTE_DatesTable
  SELECT CAST('20000101' as date) AS [date] --- Change this to your beginning time
  SELECT   DATEADD(dd, 1, [date])
  FROM CTE_DatesTable
  WHERE DATEADD(dd, 1, [date]) <= '20041231' --- Change this to your end time
DateKey = substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),1,4) +substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),6,2)+substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),9,2)
,CalendarDate = [Date]
,[date] AS CalendarYearMonthDate
,CalendarYearYYYY = substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),1,4)
,CalendarYearMonthYYYYMM = substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),1,4) +substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),6,2)
,CalendarYearDDMMYYYY =substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),9,2)+'/'+substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),6,2)+'/'+substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),1,4)
,CalendarYearMMDDYYY =substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),6,2)+'/'+substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),9,2)+'/'+substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),1,4)
,CalendarDayCode = Upper(substring(datename(dw,[Date]),1,3))
,CalendarDayName = datename(dw,[Date])
,CalendarYearWeekCode =Datename(yy,[Date])+ RIGHT(DateName(wk,[Date]),2)
,CalendarYearWeekNumber = RIGHT(DateName(wk,[Date]),2)
,CalendarYearMonthName = Datename(MM, [date])
,CalendarYearMonthCode = substring(cast(Datename(MM, [date]) as Varchar(10)),1,3)
,CalendarMonthYearCode = substring(cast(Datename(MM, [date]) as Varchar(10)),1,3)+'-'+substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),3,2)
,[CalendarQuarter]='Q'+ Cast(DATENAME(quarter, [date]) AS Varchar(1))
,CalendarQuarterYearCode = 'Q'+ Cast(DATENAME(quarter, [date]) AS Varchar(1))+'-'+substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),3,2)
,CalendarYearQuarterCode = substring(Cast([date] as varchar(10)),1,4)+'Q'+ Cast(DATENAME(quarter, [date]) AS Varchar(1))
,CalendarYearIsLeapYear = CASE WHEN (cast(year([date]) as int) % 4 = 0 AND cast(year([date]) as int) % 100 <> 0) OR cast(year([date]) as int) % 400 = 0 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END
,FiscalYear = cast(case when month([date]) > 10 then year([date]) else year([date])-1 end as varchar(4))--Depending when your fiscal year begin- in this it begin on 11/1/YYYY

from CTE_DatesTable